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Bujumbura, 29/11/2023, Inades-Formation Burundi is organising an information and awareness-raising workshop on legal aid for cooperative member leaders and its staff.
The event was attended by a representative of the Ministry of National Solidarity, Social Affairs, Human Rights and Gender. This activity is part of the 16 days of activism campaign against violence against women and girls, 2023 edition, under the theme “Together, preventing violence against women and girls”.

In his opening speech, the Director of Inades-Formation Burundi, Mr NIGEZE Joseph, said that this activity was part of the organisation’s institutional programmes in accordance with its gender policy.Legal aid must be considered to support victims of gender-based violence (GBV), who often find themselves at an impasse. To deal with this, the organisation has designed information and awareness-raising tools based on the testimonies of model couples. These tools will be used every time to mobilise communities,” adds the Director.

In her introduction, the gender focal point at Inades-Formation Burundi, Ms Marie Reine NDORICIMPA, briefly outlined the background to the event.
“The date of 25 November was chosen to commemorate the violent murder of three MIRABAL sisters on 25 November 1960 in the Dominican Republic, because they were campaigning for their rights. They became the symbol of the fight to eradicate the scourge of violence against women”. She added: “To immortalise this resistance, on 19 October 1999, at the 54th session of the United Nations General Assembly, representatives of the Dominican Republic and 74 Member States presented a draft resolution to declare 25 November the International Day for the Elimination of Violence and All Forms of Discrimination against Women. The date was officially recognised by the United Nations, which defines violence against women as “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in political or private life“.

With the presentation by Ms NIJIMBERE Aline, a lawyer and gender expert, participants were able to recall the meaning of different types of GBV. They were also informed about legal procedures and how to legally help victims of GBV. She deplored the fact that Burundi has no law on inheritance or matrimonial property regimes. This accentuates social inequalities to the detriment of women and girls, and is an ultimate cause of GBV. However, this does not prevent men from also being victims of GBV. Thanks to the work of Inades-Formation Burundi, couples are emerging as agents of change. Thus, thanks to the screening of six short videos of testimonies from couples who have changed for the better after receiving comprehensive training provided by Inades-Formation Burundi, the audience finally understood the importance of tolerance, dialogue and participatory management of family property in order to achieve sustainable development.

In addition, the participants distinguished the various legal aids for victims who could previously have been accompanied by civil society organisations, community leaders and legal aid professionals. The role of each and every one was shared in accordance with national legal texts, including Burundi’s National Legal Aid Strategy in terms of legal aid and judicial assistance.

They asked questions to understand why, in criminal cases, the public prosecutor’s office continues with a case even if the victim is no longer interested in pursuing it. The answer given was that, in criminal matters, the public prosecutor is the only one competent to bring the perpetrator before the courts in order to guarantee human rights. Under no circumstances can the victim decide to withdraw a case that has already been lodged without an appropriate ruling. The public prosecutor must defend the law in order to eradicate violence in the public interest. This is why, in cases of GBV, out-of-court settlements are so strongly advocated. Finally, given that victims are always incapable or in a weakened state, community leaders who are members of civil society organisations are encouraged to help them file a complaint with the appropriate authorities through specialised structures. This approach will undoubtedly strengthen the peaceful cohabitation of communities and enable them to carry out development activities for their households and the community in general.

The representative of the Ministry in charge of gender informed the representative of the Ministry in charge of gender informedparticipants that following the proliferation of several types of rape, many of which are new, certain texts are being revised, namely the Personal and Family Code and the specific law on GBV, in order to diagnose all inhumane acts and reinforce the sanctions that will be included in the Penal Code with the aim of banishing criminal behaviour.

Inades-Formation Burundi has been asked to organise another exchange session involving experts in medical, social and legal assistance. 

The aim would be to identify in detail all the existing GBV, the challenges in dealing with cases and the related issues at different levels at the limits of competencies in order to formulate sustainable solutions. This option would make it easier to deal with victims in a completely neutral manner, in accordance with the law and with respect for their human rights.


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Food security, a priority for West African countries

To meet the challenge of food security, the Agence Régionale pour l’Agriculture et l’Alimentation (ARAA) has entrusted the INADES-Formation General Secretariat with the task of

ABCD2 project

Projet ABCD-Un élève un arbre COP28

1. Project title

Supporting the scaling-up of community experiences and citizen monitoring of public policies in response to climate change in sub-Saharan Africa (ABCD 2 project)

2. Summary

The project to scale up community experiences and dynamics of citizen monitoring of public policies in the face of climate change in sub-Saharan Africa is the continuation of an initial project to capitalize on these experiences.

In fact, in 2022, with funding from the Basque Agency for Development Cooperation (ABCD), Inades-Formation carried out the project “Study-capitalization of best practices in the face of the challenges of climate change and local governance in sub-Saharan Africa “This project capitalized on 50 experiences, including 31 on adaptation to climate change and 19 on governance, in 11 sub-Saharan African countries.

Based on the results of this pilot project, we have been able to identify and capitalize on some of the living realities of community efforts to combat the problems posed by climate change in Africa. They have been developed by a variety of players, including public services specializing in environmental and climate change management, civil society organizations and farmers’ organizations.

This second phase of the project, which will run for 30 months (2022-2024), aims to (i) scale up these good experiences developed by communities in African countries, in terms of adaptation, mitigation and resilience to climate change and of (ii) support the dynamics of citizen monitoring of the associated policy and regulatory frameworks.

3. General objective

Contribute to the fight against global warming, through the large-scale promotion of local experiences and concerted policy measures relating to adaptation, mitigation and resilience mechanisms for vulnerable populations, especially rural populations in sub-Saharan Africa.

4. Specific objectives

  • Scale up the good experiences developed by communities in African countries, in terms of adaptation, mitigation and resilience in the face of climate change.
  • Support the dynamics of citizen monitoring of related policy and regulatory frameworks

5. Completion period: June 2022 to November 2024

6. Project area

The project is being carried out in 11 countries: Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, DR Congo, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania and Togo.

7. Financial partner

Basque Agency for Cooperation and Development (ABCD)

9. Implementation partners

17 local development organizations with projects that will replicate the good experiences capitalized on in phase 1 of the project. They were selected on the basis of the evaluation criteria of effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, sustainability and gender equity, following a call for projects launched by Inades-Formation.

List of organizations and their projects



Project title


Burkina Faso


Strengthening women’s resilience to climate change by promoting agroecological practices. Case study of the agroecological farm run by the women of the Union des Groupements Féminins Ce Dwane Nyee (UGF/CDN), Sanguie province, Centre West region, Burkina Faso.


Burkina Faso

Inades-Formation Burkina

Strengthening eco-citizenship through environmental education for pupils in the commune of Arbollé in the northern region of Burkina Faso



Inades-Formation Burundi

Promoting environmental education in schools to tackle climate change




Promotion of Community Initiatives to Protect Common Interest Resources in Cameroon


Côte d’Ivoire


One pupil, one tree to combat coastal erosion and the disappearance of mangroves


DR Congo

UWAKI North Kivu

Projet d’appui à la valorisation des semences paysannes dans les unions de Luofu, Kipese et Lubero en territoire de Lubero au Nord-Kivu / RDC. Inspired by the experience of the Union des groupements Naam de Koumbri in Burkina Faso


DR Congo


Grassroots environmental education to tackle climate change in the Kaziba chiefdom in DR Congo



Inades-Formation Kenya

The scaling up of experiences developed by communities and the dynamics of school-based re-afforestation initiatives to address climate change in Kenya



RECOR Rwanda

Affordable solar pumps for small-scale irrigation, a revolutionary technology to help farmers increase their resilience capacity to climate change issues in Rwanda



Inades-Formation Rwanda

Replication of the practice of grafting fruit trees to increase the resilience of farmers in the Bugesera district to climate change.




Project to promote agro-biodiversity conservation through capacity building and documentation of local seed varieties in Senegal



Inades-Formation Tanzania

Promotion of community seed banks for the conservation of agro-biodiversity through capacity building and documentation of local seed varieties in Kondoa and Chemba Districts of Dodoma Region, Tanzania”.



Inades-Formation Chad

Promotion of seed banks, Scaling up the Seeds Savers Network /Kenya experience




Expand the “One student, one tree” project developed by ACOSYF RD Congo



APAD International Togo

The governance of protected areas: The case of the Agou mountainsides in Togo



Inades-Formation Togo

Continuous and competitive integrated family farming systems for farmer resilience to climate change in Tchamba 2 commune



JVE Togo

Governance of local seed systems among women’s cooperatives in the Assimé classified forest for climate resilience

ACF-AO project

WhatsApp Image 2023-08-24 at 15.13.12

1. Project title

Feminist Climate Action Project – West Africa ACF-AO

2. Summary

The “Feminist Climate Action in West Africa” project is being implemented in Côte d’Ivoire to contribute effectively to the resilience and fight against the effects of climate change by ecologically sensitive coastal and island communities, with a particular focus on rural women and young people.

It will build the capacity of communities, particularly women and young people, to implement strategies to protect biodiversity and ecosystems, notably through the adoption of agroecological practices, energy diversification and advocacy. It will strengthen the participation of rural women and young people in local governance of biodiversity and climate action.

Funded by Global Affairs Canada | Affaires mondiales Canada, the ACF AO project is taking place in Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Senegal and Togo.

It is managed in Côte d’Ivoire by SUCO and Inades-Formation – Secrétariat Général.

3. Background

Climate change threatens to push nearly a million more Ivorians into extreme poverty, increase the risk of water stress, with more and more regions expected to see more than 10% of their population in water shortage, and increase the resurgence of air- and water-related diseases among susceptible populations (Nationally Determined Contributions, CDN-COTE D’IVOIRE, March 2022). According to the World Bank, by 2050, Côte d’Ivoire will face an average temperature rise of two degrees Celsius, greater rainfall variability and a 30 cm rise in sea level along the coast (World Bank, 2018a).

Climate change affects all development sectors. However, differences between men and women in their relationship with their environment, differences in the composition of economic sectors and unequal access to resources and decision-making will amplify the impacts of climate change on certain categories of the population, including women.

The “Feminist Climate Action in West Africa” project is a response to this reality.

4. General objective

Strengthening climate change adaptation by rural and indigenous women and young people in ecologically sensitive coastal and island regions of Côte d’Ivoire.

5. Specific objectives

  • Increase the influence of rural and indigenous women and young people in climate policy advocacy and in the governance of high-biodiversity ecosystems vulnerable to climate change.
  • Increase the adoption of nature-based solutions such as agroecology, ecosystem and biodiversity protection and restoration, for climate change adaptation, by rural and indigenous women and young people.
  • Strengthen the climate resilience of rural and indigenous women and young people through economic empowerment and energy diversification.

6. Completion date: 2023 - 2026

7. Target audience / beneficiaries: Young people 41% & Rural and indigenous women 59%.

8. Project area

Adiaké, Grand-Bassam, Jacqueville and Grand-Lahou.

9. Project actions

Diagnose the obstacles and facilitating factors for the active participation of target groups in biodiversity and climate management decision-making bodies;

Participatory diagnoses carried out by local authorities on the climatic vulnerability of ecosystems and identification of gender-sensitive adaptation measures and strategies;

Training for rural and indigenous women and young people to strengthen and maintain their participation in decision-making bodies;

Training of beneficiaries on climate and biodiversity conservation policies;

Participating communities receive training in business development, inclusive value chains, cooperative management, and direct marketing.

Village awareness-raising and training workshops on biodiversity-friendly and gender-sensitive mitigation and adaptation measures carried out in participating communities.

Ecosystem management and development plans designed and implemented in participating communities.

Technical and financial support to participating communities for the implementation of climate-resilient agroecological practices (micro-breeding, agroforestry, market gardening, beekeeping and oyster farming); to strengthen access to productive water, agricultural inputs and equipment; for the installation of tree nurseries and reforestation of coastal ecosystems.

Solar and eco-energy equipment for food production, processing and preservation, and training in equipment use and maintenance.

Women and youth networking and advocacy

Support and strengthening of savings and credit systems provided to women’s groups.

10. Technical and financial partners

Project funded by Affaire Mondiale Canada and implemented by INTERPARES, SUCO and their partners, including Inades-Formation – Secrétariat Général pour la Cote d’Ivoire.



Serving the Common Good


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Serving the Common Good


1. What is it?

The African Rural Development Fund (ARDF) was established on July 23, 1997 in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, following the realization that Africa’s development can only be achieved through self-financing.

FondAfrica is an appeal to public generosity through collection actions from natural and legal persons.

2. Why make a donation?

FondAfrica is a particular instrument of Inades-Formation’s financing strategy. FondAfrica a formulé sa vision à moyen terme ainsi qu’il suit « In 10 years, thanks to the income from the funds collected by Fondafrica, Inades-Formation will have increased its self-financing capacity for services rendered to the African rural world to 40 % ».

Do you want to support Inades-Formation in its economic and social development actions for the rural world? If so, then take action through FondAfrica by making a donation.